給料 錦織 圭

出生: 1989年 日本
  • 毎年: ¥5,662,368
  • 毎月: ¥471,864
  • 毎週: ¥108,892
  • 毎日: ¥21,778
錦織 圭
This summary is provided by Wikipedia

錦織 圭 は島根県松江市出身の男子プロテニス選手。松江市立乃木小学校、開星中学校、青森山田高校卒業。 身長178cm、体重73kg。右利き、バックハンド・ストロークは両手打ち。

Wikipedia page about 錦織圭

Income overview
ATP Tour Dec 2023: $ 36,620
ATP Tour Dec 2022: $ 1,045,041 (2022 On-Court Earnings)
Sky News (Forbes) Aug 2022: $13.2m
Forbes Aug 2021: On-Court Earnings: $5.1 M • Off-Court Earnings: $55 M Total Earnings: $60.1 M
Forbes May 2020: $32.1 million
Forbes 2019: $37.3 million
Forbes 2018: $34.6 million
Forbes June 2017: $33.9 million
Forbes June 2016: $33.5 million
Forbes June 2015: $19.5 million
Forbes September 2014: $11 million


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2023-12
